Mobility and Society


The conference sessions present an integrated theme, "Mobility, Vehicles, and Society," which aims to explore the multifaceted relationship between mobility, the automotive industry, and societal dynamics. This comprehensive section will delve into how the general population interacts with and is affected by mobility, focusing on the quality of life and specific travel behaviors in car-dependent societies. We will examine the evolving role of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and its influence on travel preferences, behaviors, and the promotion of sustainable urban living.

Additionally, the section will address the interplay between mobility, social capital, and migration, shedding light on how mobility decisions both influence and are influenced by social networks and community ties. The relationship between consumers and the automotive industry forms a crucial part of our discussion, particularly in terms of consumer preferences in vehicle purchasing, with an emphasis on electric and autonomous vehicles. We will explore the impact of digital technologies and connected vehicles on consumer experiences, highlighting the importance of personalization and customization in the automotive sector.

Furthermore, the conference will discuss the shift towards a shared economy and its implications for mobility services, especially among younger generations. This segment aims to provide comprehensive insights into how these themes significantly influence product development strategies, marketing campaigns, and market positioning within the automotive sector. Overall, "Mobility, Vehicles, and Society" promises to offer a holistic view of the interconnectedness of these fields, reflecting the latest trends and developments in mobility and automotive industries within the broader societal context.

Please visit back later for detailed information on track schedules, session chairs, and accompanying keynote presentations.

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