Transportation Infrastructure
Studying the impact of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on our road infrastructure offers great potential in the transportation domain. AVs will have many fundamental impacts on transportation, creating new challenges for transport and network operators. AVs are expected to improve road safety and reduce travel costs and emissions. It is also claimed that AVs will increase shared mobility and road network capacity.
The introduction of AVS in transportation will be a gradual process. Traffic will consist mainly of manually driven vehicles with some vehicles with automated driving functions and some AVs in the early stages of their deployment. As AV technology develops rapidly, the share of AVs is expected to increase and their programmed behavior to evolve. This evolution will require transport operators to study the coexistence of AVs and conventional vehicles and to rethink road infrastructure standards to meet future needs and accommodate both types of vehicles. Road safety professionals should also consider the interaction between AVs and other non-motorized vehicles, especially vulnerable road users.
We are looking for papers that address these issues. A non-exhaustive list of potential topics is given below:
- impact of AVs on the design of road infrastructure,
- road safety implications of AVs,
- technological requirements of AVs against road infrastructure,
- effect of co-existence of AVs and conventional vehicles on road infrastructure,
- vulnerable road users and AVs.
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